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The  I  /A\m ProGram Inc.

The I /A\m ProGram, Inc. is a Student & Athletic Enrichment Program that has a LifeLong Commitment into Guiding Children, Teenagers, and Young Adults by Applying  Strong Mentoring Approaches & Curriculums along with Elite Sports Training & Educational Enrichments. This Approach of Capturing Greatness & Success will allow our Youth and Most Ambitious Adults to become Great within Themselves and Their Communities.”            

                                                                             -Marvin D. Jones/Founder

Our Mission

The I /A\m ProGram provides the foundation for unveiling the greatness inside of each individual. Our belief is that every student, client, and staff member of The I /A\m Program will learn to attack each day with the strong physical and mental conditioning, ambition, and intelligence, allowing them to create a successful and fulfilling life for themselves and for those around them.




Who We Are

The I /A\m ProGram is a team of strong willed educators, athletes, trainers, entrepreneurs, business owners, and visionaries.  We are passionate in our efforts to change the lives of many and build them to a higher degree than at which they entered the program. We strive beyond the competitive edge to bring structure and discipline into the lives of our students, athletes, and staff. Each of our programs are developed to improve performance through advanced study and training.


What We Do

Our work typically falls within three categories:


Life Skill Development

     -Building strong study habits and work ethic

-Planning and strategizing the day

-Learning how to adapt to Sports and Real Life Situations

-Applying what they learn on a daily basis



Athletes will learn the foundation and ethics of Football including:

-Footwork for defensive and offensive skill sets

-Power Transitioning

-Mental Conditioning to be able to endure the composure it takes to perfect every repetition


Athletes will learn the foundation and ethics of Basketball including:

-Ball handling and court awareness

-Shifting your weight for defensive transitioning

-Focusing on Shooting technique and arm strength

-Building IQ for the game through great study habits

-Mental Conditioning to be able to endure the composure it takes to    perfect every repetition

Track & Field

Athletes will learn the foundation and ethics of Track & Field including:

      -Principles & Methods of Training (Event Specific)

      -Proper Warm-Up & Cool Down Techniques

      -Speed Development & Strength Conditioning

      -Drills- Running Specific & Event Drills

      - Developing Race Strategy & Mental Toughness To Perform At An Elite           Level (Youth, Middle School, High School, College, Professional)



The connections between these three areas form the basis for everything we do. We truly believe that our Sports Development and Boxing-Based Training Techniques enhance lives and thus, encourage individuals-children and adults alike- to make a positive impact on the world around them. 

Knowing that everyone has a different level of learning and understanding the staff of The I /A\m ProGram wants leaders who are not only capable of being intelligent but those who can easily carry the character of being physically fit with the understanding character.


We strive to promote The I /A\m ProGram to a level of excellence that the student's and athletes completion of the program will speak volumes about their abilities, characters, and leadership.

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