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The I     m

B    lkm   n Elite


#Make History

    “The I /A\m ProGram & Balkman Elite have a LifeLong Commitment Guiding Children, Teenagers, and Young Adults into Adulthood by applying Strong Mentoring Approaches & Curriculums along with Elite Sports Training & Educational Enrichments. This Approach of Capturing Greatness & Success will allow our Youth and most Ambitious Adults to become Great within Themselves and Their Communities.”

I /A\m Balkman Elite

The I /A\m ProGram, Inc. Balkman Elite (I /A\m Balkman Elite) is a 501(c)3 Community Development Corporation (CDC) that strives off of the potential of those in its reach. Our main endeavor is building an individual no matter their race, creed, color, or age. In this way, the program operates under a strong curriculum of Leadership & Life Skill Development. This will expand each student-athlete and client with the ability to have leadership roles in the educational institutions, corporate structure, and life in general. With elite Leadership Roles our youth and community will be able to execute their personal Goals and Visions through Aspiration & Attitude. Allowing them to reach out to help mold those that are around them. While carrying out this mission and committment, I /A\m Balkman Elitewill be able to take on the Responsibilities of Major Endeavors, through strong Business Practices, and Community Developmental Programs.

Together with Unity, Pride, and Compassion we express our Deepest Gratitude for your support of  Balkman Elite & The I /A\m ProGram, Inc . With your Help, Love, and Sponsorship, we will continue to go Above and Beyond in our mission to Change Lives. As the partnership and Strong Bond grows even deeper within I /A\m Balkman Elite, we are growing rapidly into the Schools and Communities. We are Grateful to have such a Strong Foundation of caring individuals. We strive for Encouragement in our efforts to Inspire the Underprivileged Youth, along with the Fortunate, of the Tampa Bay schools and Communities.

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During our August 2017 Campaign, “I /A\m Biking For Student Success”, the Student Athletic Mentors of The I /A\m Program, successfully CYCLED 563 Miles on the journey officially named, “The Trail Of The Great I /A\m” and exceeded our goal of $7,500 for the students of I /A\m Balkman Elite. Our Athletic Mentors rode on bicycles from Tampa to Miami and back to raise Awareness for the deep need of Education in our underserved schools. With the strong Support and Love from Our Brother In Arms, former NBA player of The New York Knicks, currently PBA and Asean Basketball League top Franchise player,  Renaldo “Balk” Balkman, we are able to develop the Teamwork with schools every day. We seek to attack the tremendous Life Skill flaws in the system we all depend on to help support the growth of our children. Most of them are not given the proper training or structure that is required in order to develop into Productive, Strong, Educated & High-Achieving individuals. We bring in their lives stability thas in their best interest. We thrive to see the greatness within Each child. That is where The I /A\m ProGram, Inc. & Balkman Elite come in to guide them in a major way. The FULLEST POTENTIAL of each child must be Accomplished. 

Every day we work with the youth, we continue to Break Down Barriers that were put up to prevent them from being Successful in a Life of Promise and Blessing. We are here to ensure that EVERY Child realizes their Greatness whether their Race, Creed, or Color. We Inspire them through Sports. We teach them to use this basis to Pursue and Conquer their Dreams. .

Renaldo Balkman Highlight

Renaldo Balkman Highlight

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During the month of October, The I /A\m ProGram, Inc. participated in the Speak Up 5k, hosted our first Track 4 Success Clinic & first #FightNightFriday class. With great things  happening all around both organizations, we also attended The Academy Prep of Tampa Fall Festival in gratitude of our campaign #FightForPuertoRico.

Some of the missions that started in October will be long-term projects. We are still gathering supplies and preparing to ship out aid for our #FightForPuertoRico Campaign. Together with Renaldo Balkman and Balkman Elite, we have the opportunity to provide relief to those affected by Hurricane Maria & Irma. This project will continue as the families living in Puerto Rico feel the deep wound in their country from the devastating effects of the hurricanes. We acknowledge that it will take time for everyone to get back on their feet. We will continue contributing aid so that these families will have the opportunity for safe and healthy lives post Hurricanes. Our first shipment of supplies will be sent to our Enchanted Island this week.

Through your continued Support and Confidence, our endowments will touch many more lives and continue to impact those entrusted in us through the heart of our mission. Our mission continues to be focused on creating the foundation for unveiling the Greatness inside of each individual through our Sports Enrichment Programs and Student Academic Development providing a means for success.

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