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Inspire 2 Live.

      Live 2 Inspire.

PLant Your Foundation.

  • Discover your passion.

    • Find your passion early.

    • Through reading you can open your mind up to various levels of understanding.

  • Take a Leap.

    • Sometimes you have to take certain leaps without the support of those close to you.

    • Put your desire to bless the world with change in front of you wants.

  • Find Your Motivation.
    • The motivation that you feel to complete a mission, goal, agenda can be used as the foundation. 

    • Motivation can come from the love or fear.

    • You may have to succeed and conquer the impossible.​​

  • Prove your worth.

    • Always prove your worth.

    • Know that your intelligence and wisdom will make up for the lack of skill.

  • Play Your Position.

    • Appreciate the position you are blessed to be in.

    • Don't become content with your positioning.

    • Play your position at the highest level in order to push your culture forward.

  • Self-Discipline

    • Anything worth achieving takes discipline.

    • Stay focus on the long-term goal.

    • Do not get distracted by the short term gratification.

    • Condition yourself to strive for excellence in your assignments.​​

  • Use Time Wisely

    • Never wait til the last minute to do a job that only takes a minute to accomplish.

    • The time that we put in our daily agenda is the results we will reap in our tomorrow.

    • If time is money… Then time cost your energy.

  • Keep yourself Balanced

    • Having a strong work ethic does not mean work til you are no longer incoherent.

    • We must keep a balance for energy to flow.

    • Keeping the proper rest and diet balanced.

    • Keep your life in perspective and your priorities in order.

      • Will help you keep your work ethic and creativity consistent.

Nurture Your Growth.

  • Identify The Facts

    • When the emotions settle and the quick start pump is no longer, then the facts show promise.

    • There will always be something risky before taking the leap.

    • It's the facts that makes the jump worth.

      • And the fact is that we all are creators of our destiny.

      • The leap will expose our true being of GREATNESS​​

  • Acknowledge The Little Risk You Took Already

    • Remember the simplest task that you accomplish daily has a risk.

      • Risk is not to be a burden.

      • But a reminder that every obstacle in life is conquered by your Spirit and your Ambition​​.

  • Taking in Well-Meaning Critics

    • Your must be able to take strong criticism, whether it is negative or positive

    • Being able to handle the disagreement of others will keep you sharp on the goals you have in life

    • It will always remind you that not everyone wants to see your dream come true as you do

    • By taking the opinion of your critics will build strong character and firm respect for the thoughts of others


  • Look Down Both Roads

    • Look at what might happen by taking the leap of faith into your dreams and ultimate goals. Then look at what might happen if you do not

    • Consider what is best for you had the option to have multiple futures

    • Imagine yourself 6 months to a year from now and create 3 different scenarios

    • With those scenarios find out which one you wouldn't mind doing for free and try to make steps and goals that allow people to invest in your services

    • Ask yourself which scenario would you feel most proud and then you go for it​​

  • Think Well of Yourself

    • Before taking the Leap think well of yourself

    • Positivity will get you through the grind and hard times of Opening Your Wings

    • The decisions you make about your dreams and life will be the dreams that can and will change the world in which we live in

Harvest Your Development.

  • Never Accept Defeat

    • Never Think Defeat

    • The words that come out of your mouth are very powerful.

    • Do not use words that carry tones of negative energy and leave self doubt

    • One thing to rid yourself of defeat.

      • To always remind yourself of the conqueror that you are.

        • Doing this will lead for all of your natural abilities to flow​​

  • Never Stop Trying

    • Giving up is the shortest way to becoming defeated

      • Just as babies we should always pick ourselves up.

      • Keep moving forward to accomplish that small task.

    • The test of your character is what is determined in the long run.

    • Any roadblock you may come across.

      • It is a must that you go around.

    • Let yourself not become weary.

      • You will reap harvest when its time to sew.​​

  • Keep Your Beliefs First

    • Nobody can be as strong or as heroic for your dream like YOU.

    • Without the presence of your Belief System  no goal, vision, or dream will be accomplished.

  • Serve The Base

    • Always serve your core audience of what the want of you and from you

    • This will always keep them close to your endowments and to your education approach to life

    • Keep your morals deeply rooted and keep them at the base of your work

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