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Conquer your Dreams.


Conquer 2 Live.

 Live 2 Conquer.



Produce an Idea * Plan your Action & Guidance * Receive the Plot and Live.


You Produce The Plan. But When A Plan Is Already in Action and Put Out into Motion. Then It is only Received Through Life. Only Through This Process It Is To  Return Back to The Sender as A Plot. And as life becomes better, “The Plot Thickens”. Life is to be Received after being Guided by the Plan to Live It”.



  • Discover your passion.

    • Find your passion early.

    • Through reading you can open your mind up to various levels of understanding.

  • Take a Leap.

    • Sometimes you have to take certain leaps without the support of those close to you.

    • Put your desire to bless the world with change in front of you wants.

  • Prove your worth.

    • Always prove your worth.

    • Know that your intelligence and wisdom will make up for the lack of skill.

  • Play Your Position.

    • Appreciate the position you are blessed to be in.

    • Don't become content with your positioning.

    • Play your position at the highest level in order to push your culture forward.

Nurture Your Growth.

  • Know Your Surroundings.

    • Know the surroundings that sparks your creativity.

  • Make Hard Decisions.

    • Be prepared to make decisions that the would not make while others may not see the vision.

    • You have to be prepared to carry the movement forward and become the General if needed.

  • Confront Your Weakness.

    • Be willing to attack your weakness Everyday.

  • Establish Your Voice.

    • Establish who you are and what you are by your style and talent.

    • The more you can be who you are and the voice that makes you in sound and body, the more you can impact the lives of others.

  • Diversify Your Personal Brand.

    • Be willing to step other lanes but completely being yourself in transparency.

  • Protect Your Art.
    • Protect what make you who you are.

  • Protect your Craft.
    • Protect who you are becoming in Life.

  • Accomplish Your Goals.
    • Get it done.

    • No matter the obstacle you must find a way to get your job completed.

​Harvest & Enhance Your Development.

​​Align with the People​.

  • Always align with the people that are creating a better way for you.

Understand Your Life’s Subject.

  • Spend time with what you are trying to accomplish.

  • Be within that world.

  • Educate yourself.

    • Most knowledge that you need in life is only to be found by the person that is in need of it.

      • You can find education everywhere.

      • Seek and choose the knowledge that is at use in our lives.

  • Dont wait for Permission.

    • Dont wait for answers for something you want out of your life.

  • Narrow Your Focus.

    • No matter how good you are at something.


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