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Mentoring & Tutoring

The I /A\m ProGram can coordinate mentoring and tutoring sessions for students that need one-on-one time with an instructor/tutor or mentor.  We can assist K-8 students with their current studies and help them develop efficient studying techniques, organize weekly plans for completing school work and improving grades, as well as assist with the application process for high schools.  We also offer mentoring sessions, in which we talk to students about the importance of being successful as students and as young adults, and motivate them to want to take their futures into their own hands.

Mentoring & Tutoring Approach

Gender-Matching Approach

With Gender-Matching a student may feel more comfortable from the social standpoint because the sometimes could see themselves in their mentor. This approach is very important. With Gender-Matching we have seen students and athletes change their mindset within days because they can open up verbally with their mentor without feeling judged instead they feel accepted and understood. This approach provided us the improvements in academics and social behavior.


School-Based Approach

School-based method is a way to put a mentor with a student in a school-based setting. With this setting the student feels safe and more comfortable in a familiar element. Also the coach is being supportive energy and acting as a positive role model. Wit this approach the potential if the student has been increased as well as the academics of the student through support and positive reinforcement.


Individual Mentoring

The individual approach is when we set up the coach of The I Am Program to meet with the same mentee for the duration of their program. With this approach we can easily place into the Student-Based and / or the Gender-Matching Approach.

The Group Approach

The group approach is one of the most popular with the young students and athletes because it places them in a very safe environment amongst their peers. This approach also has a positive feedback because the coaches can work together and form a small team building curriculum that will lead the mentee in the life skill setting of The I Am Program, Inc.

The basis of the mentoring & tutoring curriculum of  The I /A\m ProGram, Inc. is that the mentorships can take place either in person or via social media. This strong format and curriculum will allow mentees to gone on their way towards achieving their goals while mentors and coaches receive great satisfaction and personal growth. This is a win-win for all participants involved, that being the coaches and student-athletes. A Great motto we use in The I /A\m ProGram is that “It Takes Lions to Raise Lions”.

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