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06.25.2020. Eternal Vision.

What thoughts keep you up at night?

What do you see yourself becoming?

Where does your conscious tell you is the way to go?

The time has come for you to become what you are meant to be

You've started to separate yourself from how your thinking has grown

This is your life & it's calling

Spend time seeing yourself inside as you truly are

Bring the dreams to reality now, you are strong enough

No accidents or coincidence in this world

Deep within I knew it was to happen in time

My conscious keeps me calm within it all

I've known it from before my beginning

It's time, time to get it all in motion

Fully aware, right in the center of it all

Knowing there are no limits on your position

Rise up young heart rise up

This challenge is yours to conquer

Open your eyes & see how great you are

From the sound of your voice to the skin you're in

Life makes all of us connected

& We grow up to rise up again

Young heart listen to the voice inside

Be true to who you are in this life

Life to be more of yourself is what's needed

This is the vision, the dream you were born with

Shine with your joy for life that's true

Here we are, time to take action

Keep seeing the dreams that you've been given

Remind yourself of the balance & harmony

Life your life to the greatest young heart

Be kind & always keep the respect

Taking hold of your life to make it you

Cause we're living a life beyond this and into the next.

Eternal Vision

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