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Clean EARth • Cleaner PLANet • CLEANest UniVerse

What If The Earth Was Whole Again

And Humans Fall Back Into Their Place

Of Being Witnesses To

What's Great All Around Us

InStead Of PreTending

They Are At The Top Of The Food Chain

Of Nature Life And Creativity!! /A\

What If The Earth Was Whole Again

As We Pure Spirits

Fall Deep Into Her Womb

Becoming Infants And Fetus'

Once Again To Only Be Born Again

Into An UnFiltered But Pure Essence Of 

What Is To Be Manifested Only In Due Time!! /A\

What if The Earth Was Pure Again

As The Human Race Fade Into

The Best Of Every Generation 

That Came Before It

Leaving Behind The Very Thing

That Brought Us To Violence

That Brought Us To Selfishness

That Brought Us To Even

Knowing What The Word Hate Means!! /A\

What If The Earth Was Whole Again

As It Washes Away All The Scars

And The Tissue That The Human Race

Has Caused It To Bleed Through! /A\

What If The Earth Was Whole Again

As Those That Were Conceived

To Heal This World 

Start To See The Finish Line

Of The Beginning Of A Race

That Should Have Never Been Able

To Start While Leaving A Mark On A Past

That Never Should Have Been Able

To Have Seen The Moment Of Present Time!! /A\

What If We Rewind Forward

The Beauty Of Your Planet Earth

When All Was Beauty And All

Angles Of Your Sight Was As Clear

As The Ultra Light That You See Through

Your TeleVision Screen

What If The Earth Was Soo Fertile Again

That Just By You Walking

And Speaking Kind Words

In The Atmosphere

A Tree Grows Of Great Food And Substance

That We All See The Greatness Of

The Highest Spirit!! /A\

What If The Earth/Your Earth

Was Beautiful Again

That We Have No VIOLENce

But Just VIOLEts That Are

SaraNaded With The Best Of VIOLyNz!! /A\

What if We Made The 🌍🌎

Your Earth, Their Earth

PlentiFul /A\gain

As One Strand Of Millions Of Strands

That The Highest Spirit

Has Created 

Helping The Earth ReSupply

All The Species That Have Been Created! /A\

"IF" isn't A Word

This WILL/WheeL Happen

In The Past Future Of Now

Space And Time Of YEsTerDayz 2MârRows!! /A\

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