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Dream BeYond 💕

Go Beyond What Is Seen

/\s You Reach 4 The Clouds

Know There Are Gifts BeYond

The Means That Define

The Glory Of His Presence /\

The Adolescent Mind

Building Blocks That

Seams The Fault Lines Of Hope

Change Will Come

Change Will Come

Through All Your Sacrifice

Alliance The Wonders

Providing The Grace

That Voice The Vice

Of Words Spoken

/\ctions Scened Through

Scenes Of What's Seen

Pardon The Visions

If Realities My Children!! /A\

Casualties Of Success

Resurrect Your Goals

To Become SomeThing Greater

Than You Ever Thought Before!! /A\

It Is His Presence That Grabs Hold

Of The Happiest Moments

It Is His Spirit That Grabs

Hold Of Mother Earth

And Her Hidden Treasures

That Are Placed In Plain SiGht Of You!! /A\

EnLightened What's InSide Of You

That You May BeCome

Shining Stars In The Night

Carry What Is BeYond Your Hold

That You May Enter Doors

Your Mind Never Close

To The Open-Minded!! /A\

EmBrace For The Change

Others May Not Find Its Praise

EmBrace For The Moments

When Mother Earth

Cleanses HerSelf For Your

Wrathe Of Knowledge

That May Place Her

In The Pureness Of Which

She Has Been Made!! /A\

It's The Purity Of Life

For the Which We Have Came

The Purity Of Life

For Which We Have Came

The Purity Of Life

Fore Which We Have Came!! /\

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