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07.06.20• Love Real FriendShips. • WeAre1ne. • Creative Minds. ☀

Ships of BeFriendedness

Is Forever Growing UniVerSoully

Real friends know the heart

always remembering

the pureness within

It was only beyond the brain

That Created the The Bond

For this Ship built from

The should WOODS & Could!!

The AlMighty Whispers

It's been a while since

I last heard your voice

It's been a while

since I last seen your face

Yet I know we journeyed

with Our Last Image

of each other smiling

We've been apart

between us is only

Light Year's & A Few Miles

Distance shrinks with only 1ne call

We laugh 2gether as one

Of more Silly Line Is Created To Share

We Shall Care to Know

How long We get to stay

Within HERE

I'm Grateful for

GreatFul1ness We share


My friend ALWAYS

Honesty through Forever

I want the best for you

keep getting better than your greatest

Building up to BeCome So

We knew all along

the feeling innate

You have become the very vision

we saw in yesterday

Breath the inspiration into Today

Brighten the future we see in Tomorrow

Gift everyone in the Presence of your Now

To The Friend

I never have forgotten

the confidence you gave

To that Friend

I'll always be on

The other side of the line

Waiting with a smile for you

Waiting with a hug for you

Until we see each Other

With a photo of that blessed smile

You'll live here in the memory

of my heart

WholeHeartedly I AM Immersed

In Living On Your Ship

In The Memory Of Right Now.


Jessika R. Smith

Marvin D. Jones I.

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