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Waking Out Of Meditation A Soul Given Is A Life Found You It Has Been Been Has It Was You A Whole LifeTime A Way From Infant I Dreamed ForGiveNest Of Our Sinz Are Now Few And Far Between As We Journey Clean Of Our Yesterday's Not Even Up From Nap Time EveryDay You Are The First Of Thought In Allah's Divine Line Of What We Are vs. What We Had WhoEver Dreamed You Would Have The Potential To Be Queend In This Lost Found World We Have Place Before One Another!! A Soul Given Is A Life Found One More Round My Heart Screams As The Mind Awakes To The Time I Have Prowled Alone You Say You Want To Travel What If Traveling Means That We That We That We That We Should Never Be Companies Again By Friends Negativity Social Circumstances What if Traveling Mean New Adventures And Ghostly Escapes To.Places That Are Meant To Be Seen Once But Each Other's Faces Is A New EveryDay Thing That Stamps The Races Of What Our Spirits Have Come That We That We That We A Soul Given Is A Spirit Found Yes You Are Still That One Of One Ribbed From A Cage Of Thought When My Fore Father's Guarded Me Closely So hard To Pick Apart The Cage When The Liver And Spine Wrapped Tightly Through The Core Of What Is yJouRS!! /A\ A Soul Given Is A Life Found No Day Shall Pass First Sight And Destination Bonds Tied And Seal To Never Let You Go Again Unless DreamLand Turns Into A Navy Seal Blue Waves Take Away The Sea Arm Is Yours When The Arms Are Closed Tightly Around You The Arm Is yJouRS When The Arms Arms Are Tightly Wrapped To Bless Your Presence!! /A\ Te Amo Siempré'La 🕊️🦁🤲🏽❤️ #IAmProGramInc #IAMP #Inspiration #Ambition #Mindfulness #Purpose #Gratitude #IncLifeSkills #PoeticLiving #SpokenWord #LivedTruths #GiaedianOfTheYouth #ReBirthOfANation

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