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Absentee Parents Could Be A Positive Journey 🕊️🦁❤️

Growing Up With

An Absentee Father

Is Such a Confusing

Way To Live

As You Get Older You Find Out

The Male Figures

That Are Close To You

Are Harder & Harder 2 Trust!! /A\

The Father Figure

In The HouseHold

Has A Major Role To Play

He Is Looked Upon

As The Provider

The Protector The Guidance

To Keep His Children From

Becoming Strays!! /A\

At The Same Time

There Are Exceptions To The Role

A Father Can Play

One Can Not Judge A Man

For Not Being There

When There Are Plenty Schools

He Can Visit His Child

And Be There InStead!! /A\

There Are Plenty Of Field Trips

He Could Have Signed Up For

And Been There InStead!! /A\

And Countless Sports Events

The Child May Or May Not

Be Involved In

He Would Only Know If He Was There!! /A\

But What Is One To Do

When Your Child Start To Look

Deeper In The Situation & Find Out

That It Wasn't Necessarily

The Father's Fault

Maybe He Stepped Away To Save One Of His Children

After Seeing How

The Oldest Strayed Away

MayBe That Father Decided To Find Another Way of FatherHood Than Arguing And Fighting

In Front Of Children EveryDay!! /A\

I'm Only Speaking From Experience

My Father Was/Is

1000% ManHood With Flaws

But Also Has A Loving Personality

Yes He Would Protect His Own

But Rather Make Love

Of Every Situation

While Watching The Day Past!! /A\

What Happens When You Have An Absentee Father?

I Can Say That It

Gives The Child A Choice

Choose 2 Live

In Lesser Levelz Of Life


Choose 2 Live

On The Highest Atmosphere

Speaking On Experience

No Child Can Stray Away

From The DNA Of His Parents

But What Causes The Confusion

Is When Parents

Fight One Another

Through The Children? /A\

I Decided To Awaken My Seeds

So They Never Be Willed

And Used In Life Like I Was

If A Child Would Blame Someone

For Being Absent


For Making The Choice Of Such!! /A\

Absent ParentHood

Should Be A Crime

While Manipulating Children

By Using The The Other Parent

As A Flaw Should Have

A Major Sentence!! A\

Always Look To Self

When In Doubt

Stay Close To Nature & SELF

And You Will Find

All The Answers You Need

Just Don't Be Surprise

When The Truth

Shall Set You Free

Be Bold In Your QUESTion!! /A\

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