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BringInG A Loved One Home 🕊️🦁💎

To Bring A Loved One Home It's Certain Things SHe Has To See For HerSelf!! /A\ The Choices Of Influence Can Place Your Life In A Downward Spiral It's Not As Sole As It Is Told But The Ridding Of The World Brings A Light To A KinGDom In Which Allah Has Bestowed Upon Us!! /A\ Being A Natural Princess Is What Is InStilled In You And Your Diamonds Shine Brighter Without The Lust Of This World!! /A\ ReLease The Hold Of What Was InStilled In Your Mind And See That There Is Peace To Be Had Inside This Glorious World That I Have Found For You!! /A\ But You Must Walk In Alone My Destiné No TagAlones For Each Person That Deserves The HereAfter Have To Be Tried Alone!! /A\ GOD Has Made It That Way As The House That Was A Cast Away Shall Be Cleansed Of Stray Aways And Filth That Even As The Pearling Gates Are Open It Will Close Tight On The Grain Of Pureness That Was Touched By The Serpent!! /A\ You'll Never See What's For You Until You Walk THE STRAIGHT PATH That's To Be Shared Of Joy But No1 Can Walk In With Or For You!! /A\ A Place Where If You Blessingz Are Shared To The Deceitfulness Of Others Your Blessingz Immediately Becomes A Cross For Them To Carry Only Allah (God) Can Be The One To Give Such Peace To A Queen!! /A\ Small Thingz Are The Biggest While UpLiftMent Is Our Treatment Face Up With Out The Make Up UnCover The Beautiful Face That Once Shined Bright In The Sun Let Go If The LustFul Ways That Was InStilled In You By The LustFul Phases Of Those Who We're Around Us!! /A\ Yes Royalty Is Ours But DIVINE ORDER devours The Castle Of Every KingDom!! /A\ For What Is A Bentley To A Person Is Only A Big Ring For A Sphinx To Place His Dumpingz In What Carries The Mortgage Of A Castle Is Only A Target When The Geese Flock And Migrate To Places UnKnown Where We ProStrate To Angels That Are Fill Grown!! /A\ Is It Better To Have Your Name On A Depreciation Or To Live As A Spirit In A Heaven That Is Known By Every One As Your Throne!! /A\ But Did Your Self Of The Mental Slavery Leeches Comes A Snailz And Snails Come With EnSlaveMent!! /A\ What's Meant For You Is Yours Burn The Rotten Food On The Concrete Pavement And You Shall See Your Were BORN!! 🕊️

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