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Create Az ALLAH Has ReViled 🕊️🦁🤲🏽

Creativity Is Upon Me Creatively Is The Channel I /A\m Your Breath If Fresh Air Tormenting For "Mi ManTú" I Slept In Dark Room 1ne Candle We Slept in /\ Dark Room 1 Candle Burning Like It Was Drummings Dem Boyz Trace Only The Hearts Of The Pride Leaders Slowly Capturing The DriftWood Sayings Grace Like YesTerDayz "I /A\m Tired Of Hiding," I Say "We Shall See", What They Prayed 🕊️🦁🤲🏽 Some Seek What They All-Ready Found When No1nes Around But It's The Truth That's ProFound When EveryOne Is The Watcher Body Down When The Hands Of The Clock Hold Her Angels Of Mercy Mercury Is The Spirit InSide That Con-Troll Her Fears When MuFasa Is Absent You Said U Were Tough I'm Just The CAPtain Is Organic Enough Held Close The Tears That Were Hidden And Tuck Body Snatching Buried In Actions WhatCha Left In The Candle MARrIe'd Enough Righteously Enlightened Entrapments GhostInG It's Way Through The Sorrows Of The BeHolder 🕊️🦁🤲🏽 Distortion Of A Cast That's Played Over & Over At Last My Spirit TorMinTed'x The Sounds Of Souls CryInG Again This Love Is RePlenishInG I Might Just Take A Likening Again ReMembered The FINishIngS The ShakInG & Legs TremendousLy TremblInG Auntie's War Stories • Table Talking For All Smiles Again Hearts Of Glory I'll Never EavesDrop Me And Adam Body Training Against Sin!! /A\ Where Was EYE? Oh With yoU "2-3" DeGreed Up Staton Eyed For Space Soaring Pouring The Way It Was Only Completely Us Times Have Changed SOLOMonENTe When I View The Complete EveryThing That Allah Hued Determine To Change EveryThing To Clear The Water For Heavens Fuse This Ford Is InCredIble Swallow The Eatibles WARNING!!! BIGGIE Is Hazardous To The UnEngaged 💎🤦🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️💗 FINANCÉ Played It Well Heart From Hell To Any Satan That Rattles Snakes The Cage 🕊️🦁🤲🏽 In The Winds I Scream For More Pain Body Moans Aimed Train Whistling "FREEDOM We Are At It Again" -JamesCarr Riots Continue As I The People FEENIN To Get Closer To U UpRoar Venues Missiles Singing Angels ProCreate What's BeTween Us It's Like The Towers Falling This Time The Love & Hate Will Emancipate Without Separating Truth From Dieing n Between Us #WeAreUnited #IAMPG 🕊️🤲🏽♠️💎

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