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Forward ProGress Is Beautiful ❤️

In Life It's All About Forward ProGress Keeping The Mind Going Keeping the Spirit Moving Staying Free If All That May Be Behind You To Be Free To Create New Memories Of What's In Front Of You With Those That Are Deserving It's Ok To Leave Some Behind WhomEver WhatEver However Are Those That Are Meant 2 Be With You Will Be There Every Step Of The Way Soo Many Thingz Had To Go Right For Me To Meet The People I Have Met For I To Help Those I Have Help Some Meant Well Some Didn't But What Means Well I Shall Hold Close To Heart Cause What Means Well Shall Never Be Torn From Me!! /A\ There Is No War To Fight When The Enemy Comes To Your Spiritual Territory And Doesn't Know What To Look For And Whom To Go After For The Treasure MayBe Right BeSide Them That Is The Whole Heart Of My Every Being!! /A\ The Spirit Has Many Levels Of Ones And Ones Gas Many Levels To Being That One That Will Sacrifice It All For I!! /A\ At The Same Time Preserving The Body UnTouched And UnFiltered To Bring The Pureness Of What Living Really Means!! /A\ These Attachments TransForm AttainMent Making It IMpossible For The AtoneMent That Some Feel Is Needed!! /A\ NoThing Shall Be AliGned When You Were Born On The Line Of Positivity HavInG Towed The Line Of Light And Life Since The Very First Angel Power 2 The HiGher Power This Place Where Reside A Place That Only Your GOD Can Knock And My God Can Chose To Answer And/Or Identify Your "PreSense"!! /A\ #WeAre1ne #Beautiful #Nation

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