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The Only Thing That Is Consistent

In This Life

Is Numbers And HeartBeats

And Even They Will

Skip ThemSelves

Leaving You To Look

In The Mirror Of

Your Self And Soul!! /A\

Be Blessed

Know That The Person

You Knew Yo Awaken

Your InnerSelf

Is The Person

That Would've Stuck

With You

If You Knew To Endure

The Test Of Self-Develipment

They Put You Through!! /A\

TomFind Happiness

In Life Is To Heal YourSelf

Of The Deep.Pain That You Hide

When You Meet The Better Part Of You

I Have Been Through this Process

My Whole Life

But What Hurts The Most

Is To.See Others

Run Out On ThemSelves

When "ThemSelves" Are Reflected!! /A\

The Pain Never Goes Away

It Takes A Better Part Of You

To Make The Devil

Path Astrayed!! /A\

To Truly Heal Is To Truly

Feel That The One Beside You

Has You Best Interest

Knowing That You Both

Are Connected On A Higher Level!! /A\

The Only Distance Between

You And GOD Is The Distance

That You Should Keep Close

And In Plain Sight!! /A\

But Running To A Place

To Smile When You Know

Your Heart Isn't Happy

Will Only Leave You

In Serious Doubt

Keeping You From Truly

Moving On!! /A\

Your Soul Knows Where It

Wants To Be And Your Heart

Never Left Where You

Just Came From!! /A\

Never Worry If Your


Only Because That FREE SPIRIT

That You Met Only Reflected

The Distortions That Was Caging You!! /A\

I Know This Process To Well

And What Truly Hearts

Is Seeing SomeOne

Run Out On Their Reflected


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