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Freedom Of Thought "CoVIDLy"

The Post Below Is Just A Thought Provoking Topic To Spark The Mind And Thinkers Of This World. Nothing Better Than Positive Exchange Of Ideas And Perspectives. 🕊️🦁

May You Days Be Blessed and Well.

Asalaamu Alaikum

May This Creative Thought Meet You In A Way That Can Continue To Encourage You By Keeping Our Minds Towards the Purpose The Educational Journey that We Are On. I Enjoyed Readings Your Posts About The Vaccination Shot And How It Has Effected You In The Way Of Positive Affections. ;)

I Totally Agree With The Fact that People Should Not Be Forced To Take Anything That Is Against Their Belief, Moral Standard, Or Just General Principle Of Living. If We Look Back At The Beginning Of Civilization. We Would See That The First Part Of Slavery It Even Creating A Civilization Was To Control The Minds Of The People In Which Is Going To Be Enslaved. I Am Happy To See That You Actually Made The Choice On Your Own Of Taking The Vaccinations.


You See The First Part Of Enslaving The Mind If Someone Is To Continue To Communicate The Language That You Want Them To BeHave In. They Start Off By Marketing. Putting The Language In Front Of You EveryDay. Then They Place You In A Situation Making You Feel You Actually Need The Shot. And The Best Way To Do That Is To Cause A Death Experience, Scare Tactic. Then After They Ease Up On The StoryLine, It Is Embedded In Your Mind all The Information You Took In. This Process Makes You Feel That You Made A Decision. But In Reality, You Were Robbed Of Your Free Will And We're Strongly Influenced By Government, Monopolies, And State Wide Advertisment Varying From Country To City And City To NeighborHoods. This Process Locks You In A Block And Space Of Information. And With The Information Gathered They Can Block All The Incoming Information That Would Free Your Mind Of Such Tactics.

It's Just Something To Think About.

May This Response Meet You In Positive Vibrations That It Sparks Your Mind Body And Spirit. In This Way You May Be A Strong Vessel To UpLift YourSelf And The Younger Generation Coming Behind Us.

Asalaamu Alaikum

Marvin D. Jones I.

The I /A\m ProGram Inc.

Organically Compositioned (Excuse Me For Any MisSpellings Of Creative Spellings)



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