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G.U.P.O. The Way Of A JourneyMan 🕊️🦁💎

Wake Up Knowing That It Is GUPO

That Is Guiding Me To Better MySelf

It Is He That Shall Keep Me Close To Allah

The Truths That Are ForTheComing In My Life

Shall Be As Water BeInG Filtered Into

Purity And Grace 🕊️🦁💎

For Every Truth I will Find There Is A Consequence Of Only Good For I

For Those That Have Spoken Words

Of Reflective Consequences!! /\

He, Gupo (Governor), Warned I

About The Workings Of /\ Mother

They Always Say A Drunken Man Words

Are As Pure Gold When He Is Settled

In The Space Of NoThingNess

Always Speaking Truth

As Sobered Words Off A Virgins Tongue

His Life At Peace Of Style Workings

That In Which Was Around Him

Soon At Peace As Heaven Gifted Him

The Pain And Joy Of Relaxation

Finding His Way To A Space

That Removes Total Damnation

From His Mind!! /\

This Is As A Story That Shouldn't Be Told

But As Bold As He

It Is A Story That Shall Be Shared

To UnFold The Beauty Of 2 Men

That Made Me Who I Am Today

By Way of My Father

Who Chose His Ways

Over My Smilez

Those Men Are

Granded In Their Appearance

Strong In Their Perspectives On Life!! /A\

May Peace Be Upon Them!! /A\

Warning Of My Mothers Ways

Played Dearly To His Heart

Remind Gestures Of The Buzzards

That Sore Through The Air In Spirit

I Could Only Imagine The Conversation

Governor And LC Had

About The Love They Shared

Between The Queens They Held Dearly

To Their HeArtZ!! /A\

To See The Love Fade As A Let Down

Of The Flame That Life Torn Apart

The Remarks Of The Lost Ark

The Drowning Of A Throne

That Cast A WombMan Into Sea

To Chose To Live In Filth

As Her Sons Are Destined

To Liive Alone

Every Phase Shall Be

At It's End!! /A\

"BUZZARDS", He Would Say!!

Me Replying With A Question.

What's A Buzzard GrandDaddy?!


He Mumbles Smiling!! /A\

"Oh A Volture"?! I Replied

"No A BUZZzard"

As He Put Extra Emphasis

On The Syllables!! /A\

These Are Only A Few

Deepen My MindMaps

That Lead Me Back Home

In The Mind Of Truth

Az It Guides Me Straight

To A Point Of NothingNess & Bliss

Rage Is A ReAction Of The Guilty Partyz


Through The Finishing

What I Have Started

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