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Giving Freedom To JudgeMental 🕊️🦁🤲🏽

Giving Freedom To Judgement

The Heart Is Pure So Divine

Inclined To Bring Light

To Apartheid

Divided The Souls

That Fall Apart

What Has Brighten

In The Dark

Equals HIS Works

That Seen It All

Prophet MuHammad

Had A Twin Named

Christ #Yeshua

Parallel Breathe Through It All

The Race Finish

Where It Started

WhomEver I Saw

In The Womb

Dearly DeParted The Targets

Truth BeHeld What Was Felt

Now Is Ah Blaze With The Cartridge

Beloved Is Aching To Be Felt 🕊️🦁🤲🏽

Stealth Protects The Wealth

As The QURANtine Dreams

Gave Me Aviations

That One Shall Not Speak

Truth Be Told

Mental Photos

Of The Fantasies

They Ran Back To!! /A\

True Skin With A Toll

Driving Away Sins

ReLaxing As The Grow Away

My Mother's Womb

Only Held What Was Closer

To Kin As I Fin

ish The Story Book

Enjoy What I Have Given

Allah As I Am

HIS Holy Crook

Your Heart And Soul

You Traded In

Endurance Makes A Man

Patience Creates A Great Woman

Sitting On The Porch

Til The Winter OverComes

All The Summers

Life Is PreServed #Perserved

In The Cold For

Those That Are DeServing



He (Allah) is such that He sent down tranquility into the hearts of the believers, so that they grow more in faith in addition to their (existing) faith__ And to Allah belong the forces of the heavens and the earth, and Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise__


so that He admits believing men and believing women to the gardens beneath which rivers flow, to live therein for ever,

and so that He may write off their evil deeds, which is a great achievement in Allah‘s sight,


and so that He may punish the hypocrites, men and women, and the mushriks (polytheists), men and women, who think evil thoughts about Allah. Bound for them there is a vicious circle, and Allah has become angry with them, and He has prepared Jahannam (Hell) for them, and it is an evil destination.


To Allah belong the forces of the heavens and the earth, and Allah is All-Mighty, All-Wise.


Indeed, We have sent you (O prophet,) as a witness and as a bearer of good news and as a warner,

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