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HIS Blessingz Are To Those That Endure 🕊️🦁🤲🏽

THAT TYPE OF PARTY!! 🕊️🦁😎 I BARE WITNESS THAT THERE IS NO GOD BUT ALLAH AND PROPHET MUHAMMAD IS HIS MESSENGER 🕊️🦁🤲🏽 Another Day To Build A World That Is Worth Living In 🕊️🦁🤲🏽 #WorkShallContinue ********* 0:40] The one who does something evil will not be punished but in its equal proportion, but the one who does a righteous deed, be he male or female, while he is a believer, then, such people will enter the Jannah (Paradise) where they will be provided with bounties beyond reckoning. [40:41] And O my people, what is wrong with me that I call you to salvation and you call me to the Fire? [40:42] You invite me to reject my belief in Allah and ascribe to Him partners about whom I have no knowledge, while I invite you to (Him who is) the Mighty, the Most-Forgiving. [40:43] It is obvious that those (gods) to whom you are inviting me are not worth calling, neither in this world nor in the world to come, and that we have to return back to Allah, and that the transgressors are indeed the people of the Fire. [40:44] Soon you will remember what I am saying to you. And I entrust my matter with Allah. Surely, Allah has all (His) servants in sight.. [40:45] Then Allah saved him from the evils of what they designed, and the House of Pharaoh was encircled by an evil punishment. [40:46] It is the Fire before which they are presented morning and evening. And on the day when the Hour (of final judgment) will take place, (the order will be released,): .Admit the family of Pharaoh into the most severe punishment.. [40:47] And (worth remembering is the time) when they (the infidels) will argue with each other in the Fire. So, the weak will say to those who were arrogant, .Surely, we used to be your followers, would you, then, stand for us in (suffering at least a) part of the (punishment of) Fire?. [40:48] Those who were arrogant will say, .We all are in it. Allah has already passed the judgment between (His) servants. [40:49] And those in the Fire will say to the keepers of Jahannam (Hell), .Pray to your Lord to lighten the punishment for us some day.. #IAmProGramInc #IAMPG #Inspire2Live 😎

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