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How Do We Become Stronger & Mightier?

We have the power to change our lives and to overcome fear and hate through love.

We grow to become mentally and spiritually stronger by overcoming our challenges through love.

Love encompasses all, so even when we may feel we are alone we still have love on our side. Love doesn't care who wins, but love always wins.

"If Hate Wants It ALL, Then Love NEEDS It All." -Marvin D. Jones I.

This is not the case when we keep love in our perspective. Love does not take away from our abilities and effort but multiplies it through the feedback we receive in our authentic actions. In our own lives and the lives of those around us.

Paranoia and fear only exist when we do not trust and love ourselves enough to rise above into joy and happiness for our lives. We rise by testing ourselves and those close to us. Individualism serves us all as one when we see it as the opportunity for us to contribute our unique part for everyone to succeed.

We make each other stronger when we stand for love by removing insecurities and fear that can cloud our judgment. When we free ourselves of those clouds, we can shine through any situation to find the positive outcomes. Someone who builds their body will lift weights and test themselves by adding more weight every month. How similarly we must train our minds to see past negatives to see the positives that life is blessing us with. We then work to train our minds with direct communication and collaborating with each other to build one another up to create more positivity which will lead to creativity and productivity as we will build a brighter future.

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