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Infant to Maturity. Nature Guides All #CREATIVEwriting 🕊️🦁✍🏾

INFANT STAGE. Child Development. Intuitives. Intelligence.

#CreativeThinking #FlowingPatternOfThoughtfulExpression Development An An Infant In Any Stage Is To Live A Life Of VulnerAbility Especially When The World We Live In Is Trying To Make You Grow Up At An Early Age.!! ;) (Had To Pause For A Second And Tell Someone That I Feel Their Presence And The Energy) Back To Topic 😎 If One Was To Look At The Best Athletes In The World You Would See That in Their Fields They May Have The Best Maturity But Outside Of That Field They Are Still As Infants When It Comes To Life Skill Applications And Worldly Views On Life And Applying ThereOf!! /A\ All This Is Due To Fact Of The World And It's Industries Wanting A Finished Product On The Outside But A Hollow SubStanced On The Inside Of That Product Which One Is To Be Served!! /A\ This Leaves Our Generations And Homes In Such EMPire-TI-NESted That We Don't Realize The Hollowness One Has In Life Until We All Retire From The Careers That Has Taken Over Our Homes And Our Way Of Living!! /A\ Never Worry There Is A Balance And Solution To This ProBLEM Of A Dirty EmBLEM To An EMpire That Has Been Sucked Dry By VAMpires That Do Nothing But Care About thEMselves Rather Than Those Of Civilization That Work Hard EvwryDay To Place Food On The Table!! /A\ Excuse I As I Go From "JoURdANaList" f={(Journalist)(Jordan • List)} °π = FORM EXCUSE I As I Go From ComPosition To Spoken Form The Transition Feels So Good To The Whole Of The Soul IAmPiphany'd n2 GloryOf Epiphany!! /A\ (Báck To What I Was Saying) Oh Yea Food And Table I Spoke Of!!😎 Cleansed Of SubStaned EateRiEz Is What Is Looked Forward To The Pasted Furtured Presence Of 1 Millions "SECOND" (Singularity)!! /A\ Some How We Are Manufactured Through Tightly Transferred TransForms To Breed A Civilization That is To Be Hands On Rather Than Thinkers And Builders!!/A\ This Has Ruined Our Economy Which Lead A Man Like Me To Seamlessly Travel The World To Build Upon A Temple That Was Only Meant For The UnSeen Unjust PeaceFul Side Of The UnCllean After The Rust Has Been FloatIngLy ReFurbished Leaving The Wisdom Of The THE HOGHEST OF POWER And The Knowledge Of The Nurtured Of Nurnished!! For Sake Thy Queen Romeo Is Without Thou HéAtz Golden For A Science Apartheid Is To ApartChild From The Ways His Mind Has Been Molded!! The Infant State Is To Be UnFrozen Every Person That Is United Should He Made Of The Source Of A Sweet Golden's Sun Tan Equated In A Sweet Molding Equator Dripped IOf Pur Love And Wisdom!! /A\ UnFreezing The CaveMan Adolescence Is Nearing But Prostration Is Best Than The Meditation Of Clearing But Either Way Leave You Off The Ground And Away From The Stray AlWAYs!! /A\ Open Your Mind For TakeOff Receiving Clearance To ReTire The Mind SoMIt May Take Off!! /A\ Awakening Of The PRiMe OpTimUsLy!! /A\ #PenManShip #YouthDevelopment #IAmProGramInc #AmBition #Mentorship #Purpose #Gratitude #IncLifeSkills #ReBirthOfANation #GuardianOfTheYouth #LifeOfAPenMan

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