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IsLam In US All 🕊️🦁💕

Certain Things

You Don't Have

To Say Out Loud

For What Is In Their Souls

Is Whom They Will Be Attracted To

Immediately!! /A\

I Have Been On

This PATH My Whole Life

From A Child Into AdultHood

And One Thing That Never Lies

Is What Is Written In The Hearts

Of The Adult And The Youth

And That Foundation

Which Shows As A Strong Result

WithIn The Attraction

That Builds Bonds With Them

Is All That's Needed To Know

The Book Of Which

Their Spirits Come From!! /A\

No Matter The Path

Allah Has Place You

To Get Here Or Arrive There

It Is Only By The Grace Of Allah

That The Has Placed Us All

In The Glory Of HIS WILL!! /A\

You Don't Have To Overstand

EveryThing About The Quran

But One Thing Your InnerSelf

Cannot Hide Is The Feeling

That You Get

When You Feel It's Presence

Around You

WithIn You

BeSide You

And Of Your Mind

After You Realize It Is Part

Of Your Every Being

Peaceful Is Your 💕





Or the One who made the earth a place to settle and made rivers amidst it and made mountains for (making) it (firm), and made a barrier between two seas? Is there any god along with Allah? No, but most of them do not have knowledge.


Or the One who responds to a helpless person when He prays to Him and removes distress, and who makes you

vicegerents of the earth? Is there any god along with Allah? No, but little you heed to advice.


Or the One who guides you in depths of darkness on land and sea, and who sends the winds bearing good news before

His mercy? Is there any god along with Allah? Allah is far higher than the partners they ascribe to Him.


Or the One who originated creation, then will reproduce it, and who gives you provision from the sky and the earth? Is

there any god along with Allah? Say, .Bring your proof if you are true..

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