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Joy & Peace 🕊️🦁💎

Bringing Joy And Peace

Into A World Of Confusion

Begging Father Time

To Let Us Be!! /A\

Observe The Change In Time

Az The Hands On The Clock

Shall Never Wait On Thee!! /A\

We May Grow Up But Never Apart

Some Say That Immortality

Is Keen To The Broken Hearted

But With The Blessingz ThereOf

It Is Up.Above That We Shall Meet

Above The Noise And Immersed

In The Freedom Of Life ItSelf!! /A\


It Is The Greatest Way

To Give Thanks

For The Lessons

That Are Of HIS Wayz

Giving Praise As She Prostrates

To The Ways Of His Passion

Never Binding The Rules Created

HIS Joy Shall Endure

In Her Heart ForEverMore!! /A\

Her Life Balanced And Calm

Knowing That Nothing Is Over

The Glory Of Allah

Everything Falls In Place

As HE Continue To.Mold Her Life

One Day She Will Reap

The Passion Sewn

One Day She Shall Reap The Glory

That He Brings In Her Life!! /A\

MAYBE That Day Has Come

That Each Moment

She Takes A Breathe

She Inhales The Pain Endures

And Exhales The Pain

That Will Never Soon Come!! /A\




They said, .Did you come to us with truth or are you one of the triflers?.


He said, .No, your Lord is the Lord of the heavens and the earth, who has created them, and I am one of those who bear

witness to it.


And I swear by Allah that I will devise something against your idols after you have gone away turning your backs..


Then, he turned all of them into pieces, except the big one of them, so that they may come back to it.


They said, .Who has done this to our gods? He is one of the wrongdoers indeed..


Some of them said, .We have heard a youth talking about them. He is called Ibrahim..


They said, .Then, bring him before the eyes of the people, so that they may see..


They said, .Is it you O Ibrahim who has done this to our gods?.


He said, .Rather, this is done by this chief of theirs. So, ask them if they can speak..


So they turned to one another and said, .In fact, you yourselves are the wrongdoers..


Then, hanging their heads they reversed their position (and replied to Ibrahim,) .You already knew that they do not



He said, .Do you then worship, beside Allah, what does neither benefit you in the least nor harm you?

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