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Keep Building For A Better Future 🕊️🦁🤲🏽

Why Stop Building Them If They Learn Well!! /A\ Only Path Is The Straight Path And It Takes Patience To Watch A Student Grow!! /A\ But If You Can Catch The Lessons Not All Lessons Just The Lessons That You Hear That Touches Your Heart Then You Will See That THE PATH Was Already WithIn You!! /A\ I Am Just A Shaker & Mover Shai King & Rolling To Wake Up The WillInG And To Kick Out The Demons!! /A\ #WorkMustContinue #WorkShallContinue #AlHamDuLiLah #APDTA #StudentOf #DescendantOf #TheHonorAbles #PICK1NE #IAmProGramInc #IAmPG #Inspiration #Ambition #Motivation #Purpose #GreatFullNest #IncLifeSkills #DreamLifeIsACleanLife #ReBirthOfANation #GuardianOfTheYouth #CleanUpSEAsonIsEVERYseaSon

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