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Light The Heart Peace The Soul 🕊️🦁🤲🏽


And We did not make wardens of the Fire but (from) angels, and did not fix their number but as a test for those who disbelieve,

so that those who are given the Book may come to believe, and those who believe may improve in belief

and so that those who are given the Book and those who believe may not doubt (its correctness), and so that those having malady in their hearts and the disbelievers say,

What has Allah meant by this strange statement?. Thus Allah lets

go astray whomever He wills, and leads to the right path whomever He wills. And no one knows the hosts of your Lord but He.

And this is nothing else but a reminder for mankind.


Truly, I swear by the moon


and by the night when it goes back


and by the morning when it becomes bright


it (Saqar : Hell) is one of the greatest things


as a warning to the mankind

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