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Love The Life You Live 🕊️🦁🤲🏽

Peace Is The Only Way To Live

#LoveLife #TravelInsideToBeFree #AlmostThatTimeAgain 🕊️🐓🤲🏽 #IAmProGramInc #StudentOf #DescendantOf #VegaAltaPR #AlwaysMyHome #LionsOfJudah #LionOrder #IAmMyBrothersKeeper #IAmMySistersProtector #GuardianOfTheYouth #ReBirthOfANation #Positive #Purpose #KeepersOfTheLight ************ Be GrateFul For Those That Help Raise You A Lot Of You Just Know Me For The Celebrity Attachment But I Only Know Me For The Attachment Of My Elders That Groomed Me From The Ground Raised My From The Dirt And Nurtured Me From The Coop & Kennel Into The Lions Den To Help Create A Heaven That I Can Take With Me WherEver I GO!! /A\ I Am ThankFul For Mi Tio Juan Rios Who Took Me In When Him And I Didn't Have Any Money Just A FoodTruck A Bible Boxing Equipment Ginger Root & Tea Loud Speakers For Salsa For That Mountain Love 🕊️😎 We Showered When It Rained We Got Cold Air When It Was Breezy And We Only Had A Good Meal When We Deserved It Only Hot Showers Was When The Water Tank In Top Of The House Was Warm at Noon Time!! /A\ But Yet We Had An Idea I Had A Talent And He Had A Gift Of How To Groom School & Keep A Rooster On #TheStraightPath 🐓 Every Chance I Got I Flew To Him To Find MySelf While Helping Him Remember That He Will Always Find HimSelf WithIn Me!! /A\ Sending My Love And My Heart To HIM And Also My Love And Heart To My Younger StableMate And One Of My Closes Family Members In Spirit #JohnathanOquendo & #EdwinElBOA #VegaAlta #TainoLove #Siempre #LionStrong #LionStill

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