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Reach Goals Set ForThe 🕊️🦁🤲🏽

I Bare Witness That There Is No Go But Allah And ProPhet MuHammad

Is His Messenger!! /A\

Another Day To Reach That Goal!! /A\

Let It Be Allah That Guides Your Path To The Wonders Of Life

It Is Only HE That Gives Us

The Freedom To Express OurSelves

In Such A Way That Makes

Direct Sense In The Heartz

Of The Common Man

And To The Spirit Of ManKind

Which Is Spoken And Written

Of In The Bible & The Holy Quran /A\

Having A Voice To Be Heard

Is Taken Real Leadership

To Also Be The Best Follower

What Do I Mean By That?

The Best Leaders Become

The Best Followers

If They Must ReTreat And Flee

A Situation Failed!! /A\

And The Best Followers

Become The Best Leaders

If The Continue To Learn

All The Positions That They

Will Have To Protect And Manage

From The Ground Up

And From The Back To The Front

Of Where Their Peers And Shepherd

Decide To Place Them For The Better Of The Greater Good!! /A\

But Also It's A True Leader That Never Will Settle For Being Placed

For Allah (God) Can Not Have

A Number When He Is Creator

Of All Things Before And After

The Creation Of Numbers & Infinite

It Takes A Daring Person

To Be A Leader

For Your Enemies Come

From The Leadership Of Others

And From Your Own Organization

True Leadership

Is To Be So Blessed And Developed

In What You Do

That Your Enemies Could

See A Common Goal In Your Words And Actions!! /A\

May This Day Be One Of Peace

That You May Conquer Your Goals

While Reaping What Is Dear And

Truest In Your Heart!! /A\

Asalaamu Alaikum

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