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#IAmProGramInc *********** U Think I Am Going To Let America Live In Peace While The Youth Accept Lesser Value Of What You Gave Them You Got To Be Out Your Rabbit Az Mind!! /A\ If You Don't Like Where This Life Is Headed Then ReMove YourSelf The World Belongs To The Youth No Lesser Adults Or Weak Minded Adults Needed!! /A\ You Cheat The Youth WE CHE/\T YOUR LIFE!! /A\ Just That Simple ********** When I Dream Of A Better World And Wake Up To A Better Hell That Has Been Placed In The Hands Of Our Babies That Only Means One Thing DESTROY IT ALL TIL IT IS BEAUTIFUL!! /A\ #IAmProGramInc #GuardianOfTheYouth #ReBirthOfANation #WeKnowWhatHappensNext #MayGodBeWithUs #YouthBuilding #LionOrder ************* [30:50] So, look to the effects of Allah‘s mercy, how He gives life to the earth after its death. 🕊️🦁ridging Gaps That Are Beyond Welding Carrying The Weight Of Left Overs Thrown At The Poor Birthed From The Trash That's Called And Falls From Plates Of The Richest Slander How They Candered To Forget That I /A\m An Enslaved Child Of Those They Have Raped Behind Closed Doors In The Middle Of The Dark As If Their Wives Didn't Know!! /A\ But The Balance Of Life Is My Skin Tone! /A\ My Skin Tone Shows That While You Were RAPING My GrandMother At That Exact Moment My GRANDFATHER (HOUSE NIGGER) Was Making Love To You Wives Either Way The Canal Flow It Produced Me and The Red Roses As A Result Of Your Adultery On Both Ends Of The Spectrum!! /A\ Best Of Both Worlds Cane For The Worst If Your Decisions 🕊️🦁🤲🏽 And We Will Be Here To Create Balance And TransParency That Only Can Be Matched By Allah!! /A\ You LOVED To Practice Creating Us But Hate The Truth In Which We Were Born!! /A\ WE THE ISLAMIC ROSES Like To Thank You For Your Adultery And Love To Receive The Forbidden Fruit Of What Was Asked To Not Eat Of Under Matrimony!! /A\ Now Since We I /A\m Here Alice And Well It's This Simple We Hold The Truth Of Your Fantasies And Deep Desires We Hold The Intelligence Of Your Schemes And Plans We Hold The Best Of Your Ideas That You Had No Courage To Bring ForThe!!! /A\ Like A Wise Woman Told Me "BE CAREFUL WHOM U LAY WITH"!! /A\ .

Resurrection Of My GrandFathers

James Floyd CunningHam

LC Shorter

Robert Jones


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