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The Places The Mind Could Take You Only A Kite Could See As Far Places That The Brain Will Trace You Mapping The Journey On The Say Houses On Hills Positive Strands Pass Away Places That The Brain Takes You Complacent Az The World Turns And Wonder!! /A\ Should You Allow Them To Follow An Island That Has Been Found Should We Follow Them Into The New World Or Allow Them To Walk Through First And Close The Gate Behind Them!! /A\ 2 Ways To.Make A Heaven One Is To Go Away And Create The Other Is To Allow EveryOne Behind You Yo Enter First And Start Over Where You Were First Placed!! /A\ No Matter The Location We All Only Have The Length Of An Arm And the Spread Of A Split No Matter How You May Think You Have Power Even The Lightning Is A Thundered Switch To Turn Off The InSight Sound Off The Trumpet!! /A\ Give To GOD And You'll Love It Some Say Then That GOD Never Shows Let It Go To God And Trust It SomeSay Then GOD Kept It All To HimSelf Now What's Left You Image That Is Clearer In The Mirror How You Feared The Love Of Self To Live SomeOne Else's Life!! /A\ You Dared To Be Great And Settled For 30yrs Of Swallowed Pride For A Retirement Check Pension & White Picket Fence And A Brided Groom!! /A\ Now You Reside In A Salaried GiveAway Exchanging The Real Treasure In Which Time Permits Pleasure You Give Away Your Experience For Air Conditioned Systems Falling Dreaming Of Goals You Have ForGotten How Do You Create A Place When There Is No Where To Get Out The Whole You Have Dug For YourSelf Too Scared To Quit You Job And Live So You Slowing Fade Being Paid For The Heart To Lose It's Last Beat of  Algorithm!!/A\ What Do You Do When Your Smiles Are Gone Cause You Have ApPlaced YourSelf In A Self Maze Of Lost Algorithm!! /A\ #LIVElife #Freely #IAmProGramInc #IAMPG #InspireToLIVE

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