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The Storms Are Beautiful 🕊️🦁💎

The Day as Calm

As It's Heaviest Storm

Sweet In It's Beauty 🕊️💎♠️

The Top Is Ourz

The Peak Never Conquered

For Allah (GOD) Has No

Competitor!! /A\

Noble His Grace Be UpOn

The Journeyd TravelInGz

Of The Spirit And ForEver

His Chastisement Is On

Those That Are In Denial!! /A\

Always Good To Give The World

Your Honest Opinion

That Lives On Your Mind

From Your Truest Heart!! /A\

Never Be Scared Of AnyOne

Or Any Entity That Wants You

To Compromise Your Soul

And Integrity For The Worldly Ways!! /A\

Yes It's True That They Would Spend

Much Of Their Time Wanting You

To Mess Up And Lower YourSelf

To Their Level

Many Claim They Are So Holy

But Put Them In A Room With

Innocent Children Or Their Own Children

For A Years Time And They Will Show

Their Truest Emotions After They Can

No Longer Wear The Uniform Of Lies!! /A\

The Camera Doesn't Lie

And The Feelings Of A PerSon

Who Holds Their Intentions

Will Always Be Exposed

Once The Child Stops Crying!! /A\

The Child Could Be Mother Earth

Screaming For Her Father's Help

Due To The Fact She Could Be

Becoming A Victim Of Much More

Abuse Than What The Suspects BeTray!! /A\

It's Evident In The Births At Play

Corruptions From The Womb

To The Delivery Table

Even The InSulin Has It's Curse

The Cream Contaminated

And The Nickle Is Only Silver Plated

Hollow is It's Name

Tin-Men When The Trophies Claim

My Soul Is Tired

Truly Tired Of This Game

Of Leadership That Sit Back

And Talk That Preacher Shyt

Knowingly Spending All Their

Money On Cover UPS And Bastard Tucks

SomeIne Has To Open Them Minds

Of The Blind And UnSceNerds

To Help ReDefine What Prince Hall

Lacked From The Beginning

Az If The House Knew

The Real Truth To Their Own Beginning

They Confused Themselves

Robbed Jewels From Tombs

Got Lost A Long The Way

Made Up Stories To Cover Their Failures!! /A\



We All Are Guilt

Product Of This Lost World!! /A\

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