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The Trail Of The Great I Am Continues. Forever Growing.

When we have learned the true meaning of quality over quantity, we appreciate the first action even if we need to repeat it because we know it has been done well. Learning from a young age when asked by our parents to clean our room and possibly being frustrated because we thought we should be doing something else. Yet when we calmed ourselves down and the patience of their love hit us, it made all the sense for us to slow down to clean our room and really our minds and spirit with intent.

As we continue to grow every day like trees, we start to notice at different spaces in time how much we have changed for greater. Just as a baby does not become 6ft tall in one day, nor do we become enduring for life in one moment, but it is really the continuous effort. The cleaning of our rooms, minds, and hearts again, what allows us to see these changes with the sight of clarity. This is the Trail Of The Great I Am.

We may not always see it, but as we walk forward in faith The Trail Of The Great I Am and most greatfully I Am is there as we keep our eyes focused ahead. The beauty we see in our lives is that The Trail Of The Great I Am is in everything we do. We may not all share the same path, but we walk The Trail Of The Great I Am together fulfilling our purpose in life through continuous growth.

It has been no accident that we meet in any walk of life, and most important that we keep walking our paths strong to lead others to The Trail Of The Great I Am. Love you all.

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