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Visioning The World For The Better Of All 🕊️ #CreativeWriting #CreativeLiving

The Best Way One Can See The World Is Through The Blurred Window. (Stay with me).

So many times I have experienced the world turn on it's dreams while turning off the love for itself. Sometimes we ask for a fair chance to show everyone around us our abilities. It's only within reason, we must learn to appreciate all the unfair chances. It is only through that in which we learn how to be confident in ourselves as well as each other.

Chance is all the opportunity we need in order to keep our dreams living. And through the love we have for ourselves and one another, we will be in a great place in our lives to keep our OpPortUnity just as pure as the love we have for one another.

We have so much in life to be grateful for. Remembering the distractions are more than the tools needed in order to balance all the imbalances and insecurities of life. This brings wisdom through our experience and our tools of balance simply need to be applied. And most importantly, we all have the tools we need already to make this balance. What this brings forth is the clarity needed that makes the window just as transparent as the world that decides to look in their own window of reflections.

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