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What's Islamic Art?! CLARITY

What's Islamic Art?

Is It Clarity If Who You Were

In The Beginning

Or Is It The Continuing Of Struggle

Going Through The Phases Of The UnKnown Realizing The Known Is Only A Game Society Plays EveryDay

What Do You do When You See

Those Around You Rather

Give True Living Away

To Only Value The Moment

Of Laughter And Games!! /A\

3 Things Go With You To The Grave

But 2 Will Leave And Your Spirit Stays

1. Family Will Bury You

2. Your Wealth Will Stay

3. Your Deeds Allah Will Collect

And How Would You Tell Him

That You Spent Your Time

Helping Someone Else

Make A Fool.Of The Real Purpose In Life

But You Have Wealth, Yes?

You Have Big Houses, Yes?

You Have All The Finer Things

That An Animal Can Clean On!! /A\

Crocs Bite Through Rims

And Low ProFile Tires

And Lions Prowl In

The High Sector Meetings

And No Matter What Size House

You Live In

I Guarantee That You Have Lights

In The Dark Corners It Security!! /A\

What's The Purpose Of A Man

Having Wealth Paying To Be Free

When He Spends It All On

Insurance To Keep

What He Is Scared To Lose!! /A\

Many May Fool You But

The Gift To See Through

The Foolery Is A Blessingz

Knowing That The Best Investment

One Could Invest In Another Person



Cause Your Sins Have To Be Answered

And The Call Home Will Never Stop

Ringing The Phone You Act Like

You Don't Here!! /A\

But God Is Patient To Let It Keep Ringing

And When You Answer

With His Permission

You Will Find Out That It Was Only

A Call For You To Return To Earth!! /A\

You Must ReMember The Only Reason

You Have What You Have Is Because

Allah Permits It!! /A\

Heaven Is No Place To Go

It Is A Place You Have Came To

Out Of The Womb!! /A\

But SomeWhere Down The Line

All Of You Thought You Actually

Had Control Of Your Life




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