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Your Gift To The World.

Dream young heart

Dream young soul

Follow your vision through all

What's in your heart

What's in your spirit

Is divinely yours to gift the world

Stay strong young heart

Stay strong young soul

What's meant for you will always be yours

Keep moving forward when it gets heavy

Keep moving forward when it hurts

You will have the strength when the time comes

You will heal the hurt with your passion to live

Remember your vision is the greatest gift you can give

Stay on the path even when it's hard to walk

Use action to speak when it's hard to talk

Travel on through all of life's seasons

No extreme heat or cold can rob from you your reason

If ever asked you can say

I am on the way that I am sent on

For when the time comes for the world to see your vision

You can share all your heart with full capacity

Know that in the journey you were shaped to be

The very vision in your heart

The very vision in your spirit

So follow your vision through all

Dream young heart

Dream young soul

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