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In Touch With Your HIGHER Self

Many Call HIM By Many Names They Say HE Has Over

99-Millions Of Them That One SPIRIT Touches You That You Identify HIM As The NothingNess

Of It ALL That use NoThING

To Take It... EVERYTHING /\way From You To Give You More Than The World Could Ever Have In Possession To Give 2 You!! /A\ If It Was 3 Earth's 4 Moons and 1 Sun That Would Only Be The Appetizer For What Allah (God) Had To Give To HIs Children Who Are Deserving!! /A\ #GiftOfLifeIsTheGreatestGift ****** Let H.I.M. Enter Your Heart And Bless I With A Nation That Knows Of LOVE Cause Love Is The Wealthiest Thing A Man Can Give AnyOne Cause LOVE Is What He Gives As GE Has Received From THE ALMIGHTY HIMself!! /A\ #LoveIsGOD ********* Allah (God) Loves You!! /A\ #AMBITION Is What You Gain When The Pain Doesn't Hurt Enough Kiil You Sometimes You May Call For HIS HealinG But In The Midst Of That Cry You Must Remind YourSelf That If You Can Feel The Pain And call Out HIS NAME Then You Are HEALinG AlReady!! /A\ #IAmProgramInc #IAmJustRawSkill #Inspiration #Intelligence #AMBITION #Aspiration #Athletics #Academics #Artistry #Motivation #MindSet #MentorShip #MindFulNess #Positivity #Purpose #ProphetMuHammad #Passion #Gratitude #GratFulNess #GOD #Grace #Glory #IncLifeSkills #LifeSkillsApplication #GuardianofTheYouth #ReBirthOfANation #AlHamDuLiLah #APDTA

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